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Tag: Broadstairs

It’s official! We have some of the cleanest beaches in Britain

Blue Flag and Seaside Awards  Keep Britain Tidy has today announced the cleanest beaches in Britain for 2022 and Thanet has been awarded 7 International Blue Flags and 3 Seaside Awards – including our main Broadstairs beach, Viking Bay, just 10 minutes’ walk from Hilderstone College.


Hilderstone College is extremely grateful for the way the local community has come together to help in this time of need. Broadstairs has a long tradition of welcoming, helping, and hosting international students – through Hilderstone and through our friends in the other language schools in the town. We have all welcomed students from the […]


Our Isle of Thanet is famous for its ‘big skies’, and that’s partly why it has been popular with artists for centuries – the most famous being J.M.W. Turner, who spent much of his time in Margate and created several of his paintings and sketches in the area. Of course, our beautiful skies are available […]

Groups back at Hilderstone College!

This month, we were delighted to welcome our first group back to Hilderstone since the pandemic started. Our Spanish group of young adults from IMECAT enjoyed a packed itinerary of classes, excursions and activities, as you can see from the photos! It was wonderful to have such an enthusiastic and friendly group here after so […]

Going home: my travel experience

by Beyza Beyzanur, known as ‘Beyza’ at the College, is from Turkey. She first came to Hilderstone at the beginning of 2020, before the pandemic hit the UK. Since then she has taken both in-house and online courses, depending on the travel situation, and is currently back in Turkey – but she is still studying […]

What I love about Broadstairs

by Tiago Pinheiro Tiago studied at Hilderstone College thirty years ago, yet he still has treasured memories of his time here, as you will see! I first visited Broadstairs in January 1991. I stayed for a month while studying at Hilderstone College. I was obviously mesmerised by the architecture and the beautiful beaches. But there […]

A month in Broadstairs

By JAN KUSÁK from the Czech Republic As you’d expect, it’s a lot quieter at Hilderstone College this year due to Covid-19 travel restrictions. However, the Hilderstone team (and our industry as a whole) are doing everything possible to offer students a really positive experience of their time in the UK. What’s more, if you […]


Article from a local online newspaper Pine marten spotted in Broadstairs, Kent, hundreds of miles from typical Highlands habitat By: Lydia Chantler-Hicks lchantlerhicks@thekmgroup.co.uk Published: 13:49, 09 August 2021 Updated: 17:06, 09 August 2021 A pine marten – typically found in the Scottish Highlands – has been spotted in a Kent seaside town. The creatures are “incredibly rare” in England […]


On 19 July two Hilderstone College staff members, Melanie McLaren and Rianna Wright, went to London to participate in the Save UK ELT Day of Action.  It took place at Old Palace Yard in London.  The aims of the event were to call on our government to provide additional support to all English language schools […]


Hilderstone students are a creative bunch! In addition to academic essays and functional English, they can also produce some excellent poetry and stories. We love reading them, and thought you might too. We’ll add to this blog post as new pieces of writing come in, so keep checking!