A cultural experience
Worried about staying with a homestay host?
Living with a homestay host is an important part of the Hilderstone experience. It will give you an opportunity to find out about the British way of life and to practise the English you learn. We select our homestay hosts very carefully. our Accommodation and Welfare Officer knows each host and, from the information you provide on your enrolment form, will choose a homestay where you will be happy and comfortable.

Take a look at some of the wonderful feedback and testimonials we receive:
I really enjoyed the time with my host family. We spent quite a lot of time together. I got to know them very well and I felt like I was part of the family. It was a fantastic experience and my hosts did everything to make me feel good. Nadine from Germany
I had a lot of luck meeting my host family. The parents and children are so adorable. They made my stay more than pleasant. If I have the opportunity to return one day, I sincerely hope to be welcomed again by them. Anais from France
The exchange of opinion and ideas was a real plus, and a nice experience. Magdalena from Germany
The food was delicious and healthy, and always with the family at the dinner table…. They were really interested in hearing about my life and how the day went. Wendy from The Netherlands
My experience with my homestay was absolutely incredible….They were very nice to me and treated me like a family member. Lucie from the Czech Republic
A happy and cosy atmosphere, a lot of chatting and talking. I felt like I was at home! We had interesting talks, and I learned a lot about English habits. Constanze from Austria
For more information, or if you are interested in hosting one of our students, click on the link here: