Anna Massagué, from Spain, talks about her happy memories of Hilderstone and Broadstairs in the late 1960s.
October 1969. A shy au-pair living in Birchington-on-Sea and coming from Barcelona was standing and watching an unknown building. It was Hilderstone College. At that time, she didn’t know that she was going to spend there one of the most beautiful times of her life. She improved her English, she made nice friends -most from France or Germany- and she got to meet a dear lot of patient and professional teachers. On Fridays we went to spend a nice time in a pub or an ice-cream near the seaside promenade.
Since then, I have come twice to visit Broadstairs town. Once with my husband and another with my daughter, but we spent the day enjoying the promenade and I didn’t look for Hilderstone.

June 2022. That au-pair is a retired teacher of 75. Some days ago the name of Broadstairs came to me and, as through an enchanted door, old nice memories came again and again. Some old pictures were found in my library and I rushed to look for information about you and your present offers. Nice to hear you are stll full of life and possibilities of different courses and levels.
All the best from an old pupil of yours.
Anna Massagué